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Register your charity with Givto

Givto is a fundraising service that lets people give to a different charity each month with one simple Direct Debit.

Your charity could be featured - it's free and hassle free!

Our users are ready to donate to your charity. Registering is quick and easy! So what are you waiting for?

Register your charity

We welcome applications from registered charities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Register your charity

Why fundraise with Givto?

Quick and easy sign up
It only takes 2 minutes! Register here

Reach new audiences
We’ll spread the word about your charity to our members and across our social channels

No upfront costs and low fees
We don’t charge you anything to register, and we only take a small fee from your donations to cover our costs

Gift Aid
We’ll claim the Gift Aid on eligible donations so you don’t have to

What our charities have to say about Givto

"Thoroughly recommend this fundraising platform. So easy to sign up and such a helpful organisation with brilliant customer service"
Cat Ross, CEO – Baby Basics UK
"Givto has helped us to attract new supporters. Initiatives like this help us as we can’t invest as much into finding new donors as larger charities may be able to"
Charlotte Stone, Fundraiser – Leeds MENCAP
"After the initial sign-up there was nothing else we had to do, which for a small charity is really helpful"
Ailith Harley-Roberts, Co-Founder and Service Manager – Sunshine and Smiles
"We’re too busy to develop a digital strategy. Givto takes the headache out of digital. Fill out the registration form and they do it for you"
Sonny Garewal, Manager – Belle Isle Senior Action
"Givto has arrived at a time when many of our fundraising activities have been hit hard by the pandemic"
Mark Rounding, Chief Executive – Age UK Bradford District
"It was quick and easy for us to sign up to Givto and we were delighted with how much was raised for AVSED"
Debbie Fawthrop, Manager – Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly
"Being featured on Givto helped to raise our profile, spreading our purple message a little further across Yorkshire. I'd definitely recommend being a part of it!"
Fran Rodgers, CEO – Purple Patch Arts
"Thank you so much for featuring A Bit of a Break. The amount raised will cover the overhead costs of one break for someone living with a terminal diagnosis"
Rachel Boggs, Development Administrator – A Bit of a Break

Fundraising with Givto is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Register your charity

Be one of our featured charities

Receive your Givto donations

We will review your application when you register and confirm when we’ll feature your charity. Typically this will be within 3-6 months.

When we feature you, we'll spread the word about your charity on our website, on social channels and to our members.

Members who choose your charity may also promote you on social media, so keep your eye on our social channels!

Register your charity

Here’s what we’ve achieved so far:


Raised for good causes


Number of charities featured so far


How much our users give to charity each month


Average user donation


Number of volunteers who deliver the service


Is all we take to cover our costs

Fees and Gift Aid

Once you’ve been featured, we’ll let you know how much our members have given and we’ll claim any Gift Aid that applies. We take a small fee from donations and Gift Aid which help to cover our costs. As a charity we are not interested in profit and we do everything we can to keep our fees as low as possible.

Here’s a breakdown

  • Our payment service provider GoCardless Ltd takes a transaction fee on Direct Debits of 0.75% + 15p + VAT
  • We take a fee on donations and Gift Aid of 3%
  • This means that if a user who is eligible for Gift Aid donates £20, your charity will receive £23.89

About us

Givto is part of the Better Giving Partnership, a charity run entirely by volunteers. We developed the service during the first coronavirus lockdown in 2020, at a time when fundraising had been hit hard. Donations made by our members are made to the Better Giving Partnership and we reclaim Gift Aid before passing the funds on to our featured charities. Read more about Givto or head to the Better Giving Partnership website.
